Hanging Rock State Park is a great destination for SB 2k17

The Lower Cascades waterfall

By: Mary Grace Courter

Independence High School – Charlotte, N.C.

Hanging Rock State Park is the perfect mini road trip to enjoy next week on Spring Break.

Hanging Rock is located just north of Winston Salem and takes about a two-hour drive. This park is filled with trails of varying lengths and difficulty and has other recreational activities available. There are several waterfalls, caves, and other scenic areas, as well as places to picnic, swim, canoe, and camp out. The variety of places to go and things to do makes for a busy and exciting day!

Here are just a few sites located in Hanging Rock:

  1. Window Falls, Hidden Falls, Upper Cascade, and Lower Cascade.

    Hanging Rock Trail

If long, demanding hikes aren’t really your thing, these sites are perfect for you! The hike lengths to reach these falls range from just 0.2-0.6 miles. 

  1.  Hanging Rock trail and site

The Hanging Rock Trail is extremely challenging, and it leads to one of the most visited sites in the park.

Hike length: 1.3 miles

  1. Wolf Rock Trail

    Wolf Rock Trail and site

If you want to see a view that is just as beautiful as the one available at Hanging Rock and is much more secluded, Wolf Rock has significantly less visitors. The Wolf Rock Trail is also more adventurous and less challenging!

Hike length: 1.4 miles

Take pictures of your hike and send them to us at bigideclaration@gmail.com.

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