The real guide to high school for incoming freshmen

The freshman hallway at Indy awaits incoming students.

By: Tanaysha Johnson & Jessica Jenkins

Independence High School – Charlotte N.C.

Rising Indy freshmen, current eighth graders who will be freshmen next year, may not realize what the high school experience really is. TV shows and movies set an unrealistic standard for high school and current freshmen have felt that shock of reality this year.

Movies like High School Musical and Means Girls influence the way middle schools student think high school will be. Freshmen come to high school with the expectations that since you’re in high school, you’re “cool” now, but in reality you’re a freshman, you’re the youngest again and have to work your way up again.

Ajiana Mcgill, currently a freshmen here at Independence High says “When I was in middle school I thought high school was going to be a lot of pressure and I was right. The teachers don’t baby you anymore. You are responsible for maintaining your grades.”

In high school, you have the ability to have more freedom and a say so in your school work. You also meet many different people from different grades that can be a helpful source for you to get through freshman year.

The Big I Declaration staff suggest that you start your freshman year off strong and finish even stronger because colleges are already starting to look at you. It all starts with your freshmen year: keep your record clean, your grades up, your GPA high, and get involved in sports or extracurricular activities because the experience will help you get into college. You’ll regret it if you start goofing off. When you’re in high school, it’s time to be mature and get serious about your future.

High school is no joke, so don’t slack off thinking you’re just a “freshmen.” You’ll have fun, but start off in a positive way. Good luck freshmen!

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