Prom Promise 2017 warns Indy students about drunk driving on prom night

A poster teaching Indy students about the dangers of drunk driving on prom.

By: Hannah Cobb

Independence High School – Charlotte, NC

To help ensure that the students stay safe on prom night this weekend the Independence Dream Team is having a Prom Promise week to bring awareness to the dangers of drunk driving.

One of the tombstones in the mall showing Bob Clark a man who was killed by a drunk driver.

Prom Promise is a reminder to stay safe on prom night by pledging not to drink and drive or get to in a car with someone who has been drinking.

All week long the Dream Team has showered the school with reminders to stay safe with facts about drinking to tombstones around the school of those who have lost their lives in a drunk driving accident. The headstones, though a little morbid, get the students talking. They are posted in the mall.

A tombstone showing Oliver Nathan, a 6 year old killed in a drunk driving accident just 2 weeks ago.

“It is uncomfortable because it is real. Prom promise is a realistic version of a possible situation that could happen. The tombstones where places around the school to put a face and name with a story. We don’t want to glorify drinking and driving by putting them up, but show a real outcome of it,” says Taylor Williams a Dream Team member.

Dream Team has also lined the school with orange flags, each one represents 28 lives lost to a drunk driving accident in North Carolina so far this year.

Today, Thursday, April 27th the Dream Team, is hosting a drunk driving golf cart course during lunches with the CMPD to help students realize how hard and unsafe it is to drink and get behind wheel.

On Friday, April 28th the day before prom, the Dream Team and Theater Club are joining together to put on the annual Prom Promise production at lunches with the Mint Hill first responders and fire department.

The production will make its way into the mall and direct students outside for an important message with a visual.

Stay safe on prom and make a plan if your friends are doing something you’re not comfortable with. Keep in mind that prom should be one of the best nights of high school, not a tragic one.

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