Argentina foreign exchange students back at Indy

This sign in the mall shows the names of all of the students that have come from Argentina and their English Teacher.
This sign in the mall shows the names of all of the students that have come from Argentina and their English Teacher.

By: Jason Merli

Independence High School – Charlotte, N.C.

Independence recently hosted nine exchange students from Argentina. This is a part of the same exchange program that had Independence send some of its own students to Argentina this past fall.

The students arrived Friday the 13th around 10AM. The first activity that was on the list for the group was to go to a Knights Baseball game in the city, but having two of their hosts on the baseball team at Independence, they chose to go to the Indy game instead.

Ignacio, an Argentine student visitor, enjoys lunch at Indy.
Ignacio, an Argentine student visitor, enjoys lunch at Indy.

The group has continued to do a new activity each day continuing to experience an American lifestyle, including eating an unhealthy, very American, amount of fast food. Argentine student, Lucas Precedo (hosted by Zack Pierce), says that fast food is ¨good. For us it’s a little spicy, but tasty.¨ Lucas says that in Argentina they don’t eat any foods that are spicy, only sweet.

Other activities that they have been doing to take up their time in America is to go to the cowboy church, actually going to a Knights game, Lazy Five Ranch, and simply hanging out with the students at Independence.

This upcoming long weekend will be their last week in the United States. All of the students will be staying in town to finish out their stay with the gracious hosts and friends, except Grant Goodman and his Foreign exchange student Felipe who will be going to see our nation’s capital Washington D.C.. ¨I told myself I was going to go even before the trip.¨ said Felipe referring to his upcoming trip to D.C.

The Argentine students are on campus for the last time today. Stop by and say hi to them in Ms. Church’s room!


MEET THE REPORTER: Jason Merli ‘16, is from N.J. and is a senior at Independence High School. He enjoys long walks on the beach at sunrise, turtles and firm handshakes.
MEET THE REPORTER: Jason Merli ‘16, is from N.J. and is a senior at Independence High School. He enjoys long walks on the beach at sunrise, turtles and firm handshakes.

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