Paul Mitchell changing creative lives for the better

Outside night view of Paul Mitchell “The School” downtown Charlotte at open house Tuesday.
Outside night view of Paul Mitchell “The School” downtown Charlotte at open house Tuesday.

By: Lexi Shirey

Independence High School – Charlotte, N.C.

Tuesday, March 8th Paul Mitchell held an open house to get aspiring cosmetologists chasing their dream, by helping them choose one of the best beauty schools there is here in Charlotte. They talked about the different levels you go to throughout your experience at the school. There were approximately 20 to 30 people, all different races, ethnicity, and attitudes. This made the atmosphere lighter knowing that with all the different people we all had one thing in common and that was interest in the beauty industry.

Paul Mitchell is one of the most common names in the beauty industry. Being a part of the team is an awesome positive experience. “When you walk into the school doors you can’t help but be super happy because of the positive atmosphere the people bring everyday” says Renee, a current student at Paul Mitchell.

The reason Paul Mitchell is better than places like Empire, Aveda, Regency Beauty School is Paul Mitchell has more hands on learning. Paul Mitchell calls their students “Future Professionals” because they raise their students confidently in the program. The students leave not just with a license, but with techniques and new confidence, knowing that they can accomplish anything the beauty industry offers.

“I’m going to be honest, this school is expensive but I wouldn’t trade a penny to go back to Aveda” Renee says with confidence.

Paul Mitchell doesn’t just end at the classroom they also offer student teams, to give students a chance to pursue the career they want to do after they leave the school. 

Schedule an appointment to talk to a learning leader today.

Location: 1516 Elizabeth Ave, Charlotte, NC 28204,

Phone:(704) 335-0060


Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 9:30AM–5PM
Saturday 9:30AM–5PM
Sunday and Monday Closed

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