Rush hour for the Bye Bye Birdie cast

Principles in the cast testing out their mics a few days before opening night
Principles in the cast testing out their mics a few days before opening night

By: Lexi Shirey

Edited by Adviser

Independence High School – Charlotte, N.C.

Bye Bye Birdie is just around the corner. As mentioned in an earlier article on Independence’s upcoming musical, the band has been working hard preparing to accompany the musical event this weekend. Everyone in the cast is entirely thankful for the hard work they have been putting in and the late hours they have spent with the cast.

The actors, however, have been working every day since December. The big show is this weekend, which means it is currently tech week for this close-knit, hard working cast. Due to the  snow day Monday, the cast lost a very critical day of rehearsal on top of the four missing rehearsals previously. The pressure is on for the cast and crew.

The cast is working very hard to keep this show on the road and a remarkable show for everyone.

“I’m super excited. I absolutely love musicals because of the expressions all the actors get to bring out. I think it is going to turn out really amazing considering how hard everyone is working!” said Alex Alderman, actor playing Mrs. Mae Peterson in the upcoming show.

Despite a loss in rehearsal time, the show opened on Thursday 02/18 @7pm. Look out for cast members participating in Bye Bye Birdie Spirit Week. If someone is wearing Bye Bye Birdie attire, today is the day to wish them the best by saying, “Break a leg!”

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