A Series ReBourne: Upcoming Jason Bourne movie excites action fans

A collection of Bourne films await a new addition to the series
A collection of Bourne films await a new addition to the series

By: Nathan Jackson

Edited by Adviser

Independence High School – Charlotte, N.C.

On Super Bowl Sunday the teaser for the final installment of the Bourne series premiered.

The Bourne series is about a rogue CIA agent (Jason Bourne) that is on the run from the organization he previously worked for, who sends multiple other operatives and assassins after him in an attempt to silence him and keep him from spreading the truth.

The title of the final film will be Jason Bourne, which is also the name of the main character in the story. Fans of Bourne have long anticipated the return of the fast paced, action packed series. The new trailer definitely showed hints and fragments of that action and suspense atmosphere that movie watchers crave.

Many fans were disappointed when Jason Bourne did not appear in The Bourne Legacy (2012). Those fans, therefore, hope that the new film will compensate for the letdown they felt in 2012. The last movie starring Jason Bourne, played by Matt Damon, was released in 2007, nearly ten years ago so there are high expectations for Jason Bourne.

“It’s gonna be sick” said Matt Jackson, senior at Independence. Clearly there is a lot of excitement surrounding this new film.

Jason Bourne has been highly anticipated for the past decade and from what can be seen in the trailer, it will surely not disappoint.

Watch the trailer here: Jason Bourne Trailer


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