The “BIG” Decision: Starting the college search early early

Undergraduate acceptance letter from Wingate University
Undergraduate acceptance letter from Wingate University

By: Matthew Gordy

Independence High School – Charlotte, N.C.

Students often feel lost when it comes to deciding on what college they want to go to after high school. They have so many things to think about when trying to decide this, you may not apply to a school with higher or lower admission rates, but your SAT and GPA still play a vital role on whether you get accepted or not.

The second factor to look for is graduation rate. Graduation from college is for sure more important than getting in, because what’s the point of getting in if you are not going to graduate? This is why it is so important to check the graduation rate of a school before applying. Also check the school size, this can play a huge role on your comfort level, a large school might be overwhelming to some students, while a small school might be underwhelming to others.

“If you GPA is low, you’re not going to go out and apply for a college that requires a 4.0 when you only have a 3.5, it would literally be a waste of time. look for something that meets your standards,” senior, Jack Gordy said. He finished his comment on preparing for college saying “treat every year of high school like it’s the most important one.”

Even your course of study matters, if you want to major in English, a business school most likely won’t offer all the classes you need. Choose a school that is right for your studies. Some schools supply engineering programs, while some offer the top nursing programs.

Choosing a college really can be a difficult decision for the majority of high school students, some more than others. So, it is important to consider these things to look more into when you are making that “Big Decision”.

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